Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"A Charlie Brown Christmas" airs tonight.

Here's a great article at MovieLine.com by Louis Virtel:

"Why It Will Always Be Impossible to Top A Charlie Brown Christmas"

"ABC will broadcast A Charlie Brown’s Christmas tonight, as it has annually since 2001. Will I watch it for the 38th time? Yes. Why? Because I want to be depressed, of course, and laugh out loud. I want to be transported. I want to mouth the words to Lucy’s condescending psychiatry session with Charlie Brown. I want Linus’s earnestness. I want to make fun of Snoopy, who walks on all fours at one point like the patronizing, meta-quadruped jackass he is. I want to hear poorly clipped voiceovers speak in grim, serrated quips about Christmas’s meaninglessness. But most of all, I want to watch because there will never, ever be a holiday special as effective as Charlie Brown’s. Let’s remember why."

Read the full article here.

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